Alicia Xiberras’s Apartment Living Tips and Tricks

May 19, 2022
Alicia Xiberras’s Apartment Living Tips and Tricks

We all know that a well-lit apartment is hard to find. So if you own an already well-styled apartment, CONGRATULATIONS, you are already ahead of the game!

But for everyone else who is still struggling to make the most out of your apartment living, you might have to employ some clever tips and tricks. Which should be easy because we have already done all the homework for you.

We interviewed renowned Australian Interior Designer, Alicia Xiberras on the art of  “acing apartment living!”.

Alicia is the Director of Alicia Xiberras Interiors (AXI), a female powerhouse of Interior Designers brought together by their passion to create beautiful spaces and interiors.

Recognised as one of Australia’s most upcoming and promising designers, Alicia Xiberras Interiors offers a fresh, innovative and exciting take on a wide variety of design needs for both residential and commercial spaces. With over 15 years in the design industry, AXI is dedicated to helping you achieve your dream space, inspired by the latest design trends and catered to any design style.

Design Ideas with Alicia Xiberras - Interior Designer

And now, we are about to break our interview down for you in 3 … 2 …

1. What’s the biggest mistake people make when styling their apartment?

“The biggest mistake apartment owners tend to make is that they don’t focus on the scale of furniture in accordance to their room size.”

Designer Tip: Small Apartment’s don’t always = small furniture

Ensure you are using the right sized furniture to fill your space without making it feel cramped.

Think about your living space, if you value comfort, opt for a decent sized lounge and smaller storage space. If you value storage, opt for a smaller lounge and better storage options.

2. The second mistake to avoid

“Another mistake apartment owners are guilty of is trying to introduce a style in their space that doesn’t look accurate. When it comes to executing certain interior design styles, they require large spaces.

Designer Tip: “It’s important to understand that the style you’re intending to use works with the space.”     

3. We always hear the saying, ‘Bring the outside in’, But should we really?

“Today’s society very much craves the concept of “bringing the outside in”, especially in apartment living.

With COVID lockdowns impacting people’s perception of being outside, it’s important to ensure your apartment has qualities that can give the illusion of this concept.”

Designer Tip: Start by slowly adding some plants to your décor. Whether real or fake is up to you – *We don’t have a green thumb to keep plants alive either!*

4. What should I do if my apartment feels small?

“Consider natural light and the treatments on your current windows!”

“Also consider your flooring and wall colours. When a space feels small, a light colour palette and lots of natural light is a great psychological tool to assist with this issue.”

5. What are your top 5 design tips to ace apartment living?

“We recently designed an apartment in the heart of the Sydney CBD district, the project was called Australian indulgence. When we designed this apartment for our clients it was fundamental we considered these topics, to achieve the perfect apartment lifestyle for our clients.” said Alicia.

Let’s find out what Alicia’s Top 5 tips to acing apartment living are and trust us, You will want to TAKE NOTES!

Noise/ outside noise

“This is fundamental with apartment living as it can impact your wellness and sleep cycles.”

*We get it, no one wants to be woken up by the garbage truck at 4am or kept up every Friday night by the Pub across the street*

“Consider acoustics, like rugs or fabric furnishings within your apartment to collect any excess sound. “

Alicia Xiberras Interiors - Consider acoustics. Add Rugs or fabric furnishings to your living space

Natural light – How much do you really want?

“Bring the outside in and don’t be afraid to consider window furnishings that allow complete sunlight to saturate the apartment. It’s still important to also ensure that you can still have complete privacy or block out.”

Designer Tip: “A double roller blind, with block out & sheers overlaying will be the ideal selection for apartment living.”

Alicia Xiberras Interiors - How much light do you want in your apartment? Make the space feel larger with light

Furniture size

“If you are concerned with working with a tight or small space, always consider the scale of furniture in the room.”

For example, “if you have circulation issues, instead of a rectangle dining table top, consider an oval top, this allows a softer curve and further circulation around your dining table.”

Alicia Xiberras Interiors - Furniture size can make a room feel small or can make rooms feel larger


“I avoid over accessorising in styling and décor. This can make the apartment feel cluttered and overdone.”

Designer Tip: “Remember that old fashion quote ‘less is more’!”

Alicia Xiberras Interiors - Apartment Design Ideas

Colour pallets

“Avoid loud and dark colour pallets when the space is small!”

*Does anyone remember Matt & Kim’s ‘Panic Room’ from The Block 2013? – You don’t want to, what a nightmare! *

Matt & Kim's 'Panic Room' from The Block 2013 - Creating crazy walls

6. What’s your number 1 tip for those styling their apartment on a budget?

(And what they should splurge or save on!)


“I think the best place to look at when sourcing furniture on a budget is Ikea or Facebook marketplace.”

Remember the saying: ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!’ – It’s becoming even more true.


“I would splurge on a decent lounge and mattress, when it comes to ergonomics in a living environment, never take shortcuts!”

Designer Tip: Comfort always wins in a living and bedroom!


“In terms of Décor sourcing, always go to Kmart. They have great basics and have a decent selection when it comes to different styles.”

Did you hear that! Alicia Xiberras just gave us permission to Splurge in KMART.
So when your partner asks why you spent so much at Kmart, just show them this article 😛

Save- DIY

“Don’t be afraid to make things yourself! Pinterest is a great place to generate ideas. Whether it’s finding gorgeous dried tree branches in the park, shells at the beach or pebbles in the garden, the possibilities are endless.”


Okay! So Alicia has spilt the tea. It’s your turn to make the most out of your apartment. We’re excited to see you snag that place of your dreams!

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